About Us

The Australasian Radiopharmaceutical Trials Network was officially launched at the 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine, which was held in Adelaide, SA, 25–28 April 2014.

Welcome from the Chair of the Executive Committee

Welcome to the Australasian Radiopharmaceutical Trials Network (ARTnet).

This joint initiative of the Australasian Association of Nuclear Medicine Specialists (AANMS) and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Ltd (ANZSNM) has been established to address the need for a formal research network in Australia for a collaborative, multicentre clinical trials utilising radiopharmaceuticals for imaging or therapy.

Among the Network’s key priorities will be to encourage and facilitate collaborative clinical trials, to support and encourage clinical researchers who in turn will benefit from participating in high quality, multicentre clinical trials, to seek opportunities for collaboration not just with other nuclear medicine facilities, but also with the wider medical research community and industry.

The development of well-targeted multicentre clinical trials will contribute to a comprehensive evidence base that will assist in expanding future access to improved diagnostic and therapeutic agents and improved health care for the Australian and New Zealand community.

Reflecting the common interests of the AANMS and the ANZSNM, the Australasian Radiopharmaceutical Trials Network looks forward to developing an active role in initiating, facilitating and supporting multicentre research in nuclear medicine in Australia and New Zealand.

Dr Kevin London MBChB, PhD, FRACP, FAANMS
Chair, ARTnet Executive Committee